This is a wonderful definition of mindfulness. 
Paying attention, on purpose, without judgement. 

This video does a really good job illustrating how easily we give in to the fears and worries created by our mind. Our thoughts and emotions can be extremely uncomfortable at times but it is really up to us to give them the power to rule our life. Sometimes just sitting with discomfort is enough to realize that it is not that scary and that it will not actually hurt us. If we learn to just make space for all the discomfort in our lives we can regain the power to steer our life in whatever direction we want. If we don't resist the discomfort we create less suffering. 
This is a beautiful Loving Kindness Meditation I found. I like it even more than most of the ones I ever bought. Its amazing how much more positive it can make you feel. Its important to remember that what we give, even in terms of thoughts and prayers, comes back to us tenfold.